The Pennsylvania Land Title Association (PLTA) announced its new officers and 2023 award winners at its 102nd annual convention in Bedford, Pa., on Sept. 11.
The event took place at the Omni Bedford Springs Resort.
More than 160 title professionals attended the event that welcomed new officers for the 2023-2024 term, who were sworn in by Richard Welshons, ALTA Board of Governors. They include:
• President – Tommi Herbert, CLTP
• Vice-President – Carrie Mann, Esq., CLTP
• Treasurer – Manny Chryssos, Esq., CLTP
• Secretary – Shonna Cardello, CLTP, NTP
In her inaugural speech, Herbert stated, “It was an honor and a privilege to complete Cindy Mills’ PLTA Presidential term as President-Elect. She is truly missed. I look forward to accomplishing even more in the area of advocacy and education in the next year during my full term. With the newly installed board, our active committees and an experienced PLTA staff, I am excited about working together and what we will achieve for our members.”
The convention also gave the group an opportunity to honor members who have earned their PLTA Professional Designation; Manny Chryssos, Esq., CLTP, and Evelyn Stilwell, CLTP.
During the convention, the association also recognized recipients of special awards, which are named in honor of some of its past presidents. They are as follows:
The James G. Schmidt Distinguished Service Award is given to that individual who has earned the recognition and respect of their peers for substantial service and contributions to the welfare of the land title industry. This year’s recipient is Jan Koski Hogan, CLTP.
The Albert E. Pentecost Service Award is presented each year to recognize the individual who has made the greatest contribution to the association during the preceding year. This year’s recipient is David Dwyer.
The William W. Rice III Excellence in Education Award is presented each year to recognize the individual who has earned the recognition and respect of their peers for excellence in education and contributions to the Pennsylvania Land Title Institute, which is the group’s educational arm.
This year’s recipient is Michael J. Fromhold, Esq., CLTP.
PLTA committee chairs ending their terms of service in 2023 for the following committees were also recognized: Maureen Ambler, CLTP - outgoing chair of the Professional Designation Committee, Manny Chryssos, Esq., CLTP outgoing chair of the Title Issues & Records Committee, and Kathleen McAdams, Esq., outgoing chair of the Legislative & Judicial Committee.
Additionally, the group recognized Leonard A. Shatz, Esq., CLTP, 2009 Past President, with the designation of Honorary Member of the PLTA.